Monday 24 March 2014

"Getting It Off My Chest" ~ The Next Step

Next step
I received my pre operation/admission appointment letter in the mail. That make its more real. I was told the reason im having it so early is just incase I get a early date from cancellation or something. So im excited to find out more about the surgery, ask questions about what I should and shouldn’t do, eat, take or drink before surgery, find out what pain medicine im going to have and whatever else you find out at this appointment.

It’s the day of my Pre op appointment 4th February. On the drive up there im not even excited, im not thinking about surgery but Im also not thinking about dad. I get to the hospital and realize my mind was blank the whole time up here when normally im a little nervous before any appointment. First I go the wrong way in the hospital which made me 5 mins late. I walk into the reception room and noone is at the desk so I stand there for what feels like 15 mins. Finally the receptionist comes to the desk, he is very bubbly, a bit older but seems very cheerful. He asks for my name and gives me a form to read and give to the anesthetist when I see them. I sit in the waiting room, with a few others. There is a big sign saying YOU MAY NOT BEEN SEEN IN ORDER OF ARRIVAL.

I thought to myself that’s just a nice way of saying your going to be waiting a long time. I over hear a women talking about how she has had a preventive surgery and is now getting ready for her exchange surgery from her expanders to implants. I wanted to say something and ask questions but I didn’t want to look like I was listening to her conversation. Finally my name was called, I needed to use the toilet but didn’t have time to go and I was worried if my bladder was full my weight would be more and I wanted to do whatever I could to make myself weigh less because over the past week ive been emotional eating and haven’t been to the gym so I am was worried about my weight. I stepped on the scales and surprisingly am down a kg since the last time I weighed myself and I was happy with that.

First I saw registered nurse, couldn’t find consent form, he was quite funny, asked me allergies, previous medical history, took pulse, measured for stockings, saw doctor, asked me why im doing this, a little about my family history, his phone rang twice, I didn’t mind but lost track, asked me about risks, mind went blank, its still blank and lost since dad, don’t have much emotion about surgery anymore. Hoping to get the excitement back. Seen anethitist told me about what to expect, complications, asked history of blood clots, medical problems, family medical problems then saw physio, said she would come see me, help with movement, keep an eye on me, there for me if I need anything. Aim to get back to pre op movement.

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