Monday 24 March 2014

"Getting It Off My Chest" ~ Unsupported & Supported

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil

Some people may think and have already commented to me in a negative manner, why would you remove healthy breasts? You are mutilating your body for no reason, Why wouldn’t you wait until you got cancer, just incase you never got it?
Why would I wait until I got cancer? To me that is silly, to wait to get sick then have to go through treatment hoping to kill it, while suffering during chemo like my mum did. Why would I want to go through that? And why would I put my kids through that if I don’t have to. Yes I may never get cancer but statistics show I probably will. Yes Im young, but I am very happily married, to a man that loves me, supports me & will stand by my side through anything & I absolutely love with my all, I couldn’t be doing this without him, he is my rock and I have my 3 beautiful kids that are my life. I would never ever want my husband or kids to see the suffering and pain I saw my mum endure during her breast cancer treatment. It nearly broke me, but surprisingly it made me stronger as a woman. I don’t want my husband or my kids to live in fear as I do thinking one day cancer might get me and make me sick or even kill me. My children deserve a happy, healthy Mum who isn’t in fear of getting cancer and having to be sick and suffering right infront of them. I deserve to choose whether I should prevent or cure. If you haven’t heard stories about your family dying, or watching your mum suffer or had the same fear for as long as you can remember all due to this illness then you have no right to tell or advise me about my choices. This surgery is something i can control, and that is such a relief in every way.

Strangers support
Pink Hope have helped me so much since I joined the community in 2011, the support, the love and the laughs just made me feel normal and accepted. There was never any negative comments about what I had decided to do from the members. Having women that have been through the surgery or are just about to go through what I am just about to go through, helps so much, not only emotionally but mentally and physically. I am very thankful for Pink Hope! The phrase, “Prevention is better than cure” is something I learnt from my mum but something that the previvor community uses often. Prevention is logical and that is the way I see this surgery. I am high risk of getting breast cancer, yes there is also a chance I wont get it but the fact that the chance I will is higher, why wouldn’t I do this. I do understand that this choice isn’t right for everyone and I respect other’s choices and opinions, but to me this is no question the best thing for me. 
Doing anything else just doesn’t make any sense.

“Knowledge is power” is another phrase I’ve become very familiar with throughout this journey. I knew what it meant but I didn’t know the depth of the meaning until I found Pink Hope & was filled with all this knowledge about being a previvor.
The different experiences, the genes, the options, advice and everything else I have gotten out of 2 yrs of research. I tried to make sure I knew everything I needed to so I could get through, knowing what is expected and what could happen. Its bittersweet having knowledge, obviously it helps a lot but it can become frustrating when trying to decide what’s best for you, well it was for me. I’m a very indecisive person and this decision making process was not an easy one and I was frustrated a lot of the time. I’m sure my husband could have strangled me many times, I thank him for being so patient and understanding of my hard decisions and importance of making the right choice.

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